You are unique, so should your weardrobe
Take a simple quiz, so that we understand what styles you like, the sizes you wear and the fabric & fit you prefer.
Schedule a call with our experts and curate your first box together, so that next time we know what to send you.t you prefer.
You have 5 days to try everything on and decide what to keep. A totally risk free way to upgrade your wardrobe.
Nothing but the finest make it to our box. Designed and Manufactured in USA.
From packaging to the fabric, everything is made in a sustainable way.
"The quality is fantastic and its just magical how everything seems to be made just for me. I have hardly had to return stuff"
"I have been getting compliments from everywhere. Never knew personal styling could make such a difference"
Choose your max spend for a particular month and our picks will not exceed it. You can always return something that you don’t want.
+1 354 65 004